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Drawing lots

Concours du Mois

Toutes vos commandes du mois vous donnent une chance de gagner !

1 commande sera tirée au sort et le gagnant recevra ce produit en cadeau !


Vainqueurs Précédents

Upcoming drawing lots

Concours du Mois

Toutes vos commandes du mois vous donnent une chance de gagner !

1 commande sera tirée au sort et le gagnant recevra ce produit en cadeau !


Vainqueurs Précédents

Figurines Tekken et produits dérivés


Tekken is a series of combat video games published and developed by Namco. His first steps took place on arcade terminals and subsequently on consoles of living room with among others the unmistakable Tekken 3 on PlayStation first of the name.

If the Japanese players had been delighted to play Tekken 7: Fated Retribution on Japanese arcade terminals, the fighting game has made its way to Europe on PlayStation 4 to the delight of fans . Obviously, the Tekken games are released on many media such as GameBoy Advance, PSP and 3DS. To this we add several other communication media in the image of a film, an OAV and a manga.

In addition to being a game franchise much appreciated by the players, Tekken also has a very large screenplay and its character lot. This allows us to be entitled to a panel of diverse and varied characters and to allow its creators to propose us more fighters like the Mishima family with Heihachi, Kazuya or Jin. Other major figures such as King Masked Wrestler, Paul Phoenix, Marshall Law, Lee Chaolan, and Anna Williams.

Here is the complete range of merchandising products, figures and goodies for Tekken.

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